
Your Klintaps College journey Starts Here!

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Fill out this short form as the FIRST STEP before completing the FINAL APPLICATION FORM below.
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After clicking on Submit, scroll down and click on the Application Form in the next section to complete your application to Klintaps CoHAS.
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Admissions are officially open for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

We look for driven and unique individuals who are passionate about a career in the health sciences.
Apply to KCoHAS by following the steps below:
Register your details to our database via our provided form. Please make sure you use your current email address and phone number.
This will ensure that you are able to readily receive further notifications from our institution. Any information collected through our application forms is fully protected by all requisite privacy regulations.

Online Application Form (CLICK HERE!)

02. Prepare Documents

Put together key documentation such as your results slip or your registration information if you are awaiting results. Also, ensure you have a valid ID and any other certification that you may want to present. Our admissions team will reach out to you with more instructions.

03. Wait for Admission Decision

Once our admission team has evaluated all your documents, successful applicants will be duly and promptly notified about the outcome of their application with further instructions on how to accept their admission offer. Unfortunately, Klintaps CoHAS does not provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants due to the high volumes of applications received each year.

Should you have any questions or issues during the application process, please send us an email at admissions.klintapscohas@gmail.com. You call alternatively call or Whatsapp our admissions team on +233557730089